Server 2003 – Exchange 2007 Export/Archive Mailboxes Before Migrating To Office365

End Goal: Migrate to O365 Problem: A ridiculous amount of accounts to archive that we will not be migrating. Solution: Powershell Pre-reqs: A 32-Bit Machine (I used a Win 7 VM x32) YES IT NEEDS TO BE X32 DUE TO ARCHITECTURE LIMITATIONS Exchange management console x32 (You can do a custom install from the exchange …

Powershell – Advanced Selective Force Password Change AD

  This script forces users to change their password if they haven’t changed it in the last 5 days. I also filtered this by site (OU) in AD. #create all necessary variables $currenttime = get-date $lasttime = $currenttime.AddDays(-5) $changedusers = @() $allsites = @()   #choose users from specific sites and add them to the …

Powershell GUI – Easily Control RDP Sessions in a collection

The problem: I didn’t want to have to open up server manager and add the connection broker just to remote into users. I needed something seamless. The script/solution: Because out-gridview with -passthru is the coolest powershell command in the freaking world!   import-module remotedesktop $cbserver = “yourconnectionbroker.domain.local” $id = get-rdusersession -ConnectionBroker $cbserver | Out-GridView -title …

How to use Let’s Encrypt Free SSL with Windows Server 2012 R2

Today I’m going to discuss how you can get a free SSL cert from Let’s Encrypt, and then use it on a Windows Server. In my example I will be using the free SSL cert for a remote Desktop Collection! Requirements: The latest powershell is required so you can utilize the “install-module” command, this can …

Powershell GUI – Quickly Message RDSH Collection Users!

The script: import-module RemoteDesktop Get-RDUserSession -ConnectionBroker connectionbroker.domain.local | select username, hostserver, unifiedsessionid | Out-GridView -title “Select users to message” -passthru | Send-RDUserMessage -MessageTitle “Message from Tech Support” -MessageBody “Server will be rebooting shortly please save your work.” The result: After selecting “ok” this appears on the RDSH server. Why does it work? Well send-rdusermessage really …

Powershell GUI – Logging off multiple users in a RDSH Collection!

Problem: I wanted to log off multiple users from an RDSH collection. First I tried the local task manager from the server, that only allowed one selection in server 2012 r2. Then I tried the remote desktop collection in server manager, that only allowed me to log off one user as well. I wanted lower …

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