Here's how you can inject thousands of routes into BGP with testing GNS3. I recently discovered this blog post where someone created a Ubuntu VM that can do this. Here's a quick tutorial on how you can get this to work in your network. First of all, credit to the original creator! Now for …
How to replace a 3850 Stack Member and Upgrade the Stack
Here are some clear instructions on replacing a failed 3850 stack member (switch 4 in this case) and upgrading the 3850 stack as well. First, go get the latest recommended image as of 5/1/2018 download link: 1. Take full backup of switch stack 2. Upgrade stack and new switch (separately) to latest image as …
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How to install Cisco AnyConnect on Fedora 27 Linux
Here's a quick tutorial on how to get the latest anyconnect client installed on Fedora 27 or CentOS 7! Straight to it! 1. Download anyconnect 2. Install pre-req sudo yum install pangox-compat 3. Extract any connect tar -xvf anyconnect-linux64-4.5.05030-predeploy-k9.tar.gz -C anyconnect 4. Install it cd anyconnect cd anyconnect-linux64-4.5.05030 cd vpn sudo ./vpn_install
How To Install GNS3 2.1.5 on Fedora 27
How to Install GNS3 2.1.5 on Fedora 27 The first step is to download gns3 v 2.1.5 from their github page. Download GNS3: sudo dnf update -y sudo dnf install wget -y cd /home/user/Downloads wget Step 2 is to extract the file we downloaded and the run the build and install. Extract it to …
IP Routing – Longest matching route beats directly connected routes
One thing people seem to get hung up on when remembering the golden rule of "longest matching route wins" is when looking at directly connected routes. Consider the following network from the perspective of R1: Assume that from R1 we ping, does the ping follow the static route or the directly connected route? Remember …
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Explanation of how IP ECN and TCP ECN interact
How the IP ECN bits and the TCP ECN bits interact You may have noticed that both the IPv4 and TCP headers feature fields talking about ECN. Here's the IPv4 header. Here's the TCP header. These interact in a very strange way, but it makes sense once you understand it. 1. Two IPv4 hosts …
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