How to Enable the SSH CLIENT on a CISCO ASA

Here is a method how to SSH FROM a Cisco ASA over to any other device. Basically the SSH client has always been there, but required a secret menu. ASA# debug menu ssh 1 admin P@ss1234 The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established. RSA key fingerprint is (SHA256). Are you sure you …

Dell H310 MINI Flash to IT Mode for FreeNAS!

Here is the procedure to flash your Dell H310 mini to IT mode so you can use it as a FreeNAS HBA. Please note I did NOT come up with this method, am just re-sharing the content as it’s been disappearing. For the original PDF see here:!0wphwQIQ!QC2th7vPOsha5U0Um_8jHieas78KTSb1NcvSJPHZOEs Add the H310 MINI to your ServerBoot …

Dell Poweredge Manual Fan Control ESXI 6.7

Here’s how you can manually control the fan speed on your Poweredge R320/420/620 from the ESXI CLI. 1. Download the ipmitools file which is compatible for ESXI up to 6.7 and upload it to your host. (credits to fatty lewis) File: IPMITOOLS or!U1R2lCpA!eq54PJSw3ErRVTeoPtebLvR6uBJHeZYDuEurPU4tDLI 2. Upload it to your host via WINSCP or SCP …