3.1.b (vi) DHCP Protocol Operations

3.1.b (vi) DHCP Protocol Operations

DHCPv6 has some different protocol messages and sequences. here is the process of how a IPv6 host gets a DHCPv6 address from a Cisco router:

1. Client sends DHCPv6 Solicit
2. Router sends a DHCPv6 advertise
3. Client sends a DHCPv6 request
4. Router sends a DHCPv6 reply


img 5ac02484ef605

These messages still go out as UDP, however the ports they use are different, they use (client) 546, (router) 547.

Here’s the original solicit message from client to all:


img 5ac0248a82c69

here’s the advertisement from the router to the client:

img 5ac0249068d6b

Here’s the request from the client to the router:

img 5ac024955316c

Here’s the final reply from the router to the client:

img 5ac0249a6c687

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